SeniorNet Pakuranga offers Seniors a place to learn about today’s technology including Computers, Smart Phones, Tablets and Smart TV.

Who does SeniorNet Pakuranga cater for?

People of all levels of ability aged 50+.


The fit and the not so fit, including wheelchair access.

Products catered for.

Desktop or laptop computer, PC, tablet, iPad or Smartphone and Smart TV. Our Help sessions are popular offering technical help on a wide range of issues related to todays technology.

Our tutors.

All workshop presenters and tutors are volunteers, offering their services free, with the reward being to see others in their peer group advancing in a relatively new complex and challenging environment.

 Interested in Joining?

Phone (09)576-4500 during business hours. If the telephone is unattended, please leave us a message with your contact details so we can return your call.

Membership is a requirement to attend Courses, Workshops or Help sessions.  Alternatively, send us an enquiry using the "Contact" tab on the home screen.

 Just click here to  Become a Computer Savvy Senior 



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